On December 7, 2022, the Wiregrass Black Chamber of Commerce held an informational in Troy, Alabama at the South Alabama Electric.  The Community was invited to learn about USDA Technical and Financial Assistance.  James W. Ford of Square O. Consulting LLC provided information on what was available to individuals with land who wished to utilize it for farming and much more.

The event was provided to offer outreach support and technical assistance to underserved landowners. James W. Ford encourages young and elders to seek careers in forestry. Also to develop and/or enhance projects of mutual forestry interest. Some of the topics were discussed are as follows:

  • Family Forest Planning
  • Developing a Forest
  • Economic Considerations
  • Taxation and Estate Planning
  • Policy, Regulations & Planning Collaboration in Natural Resource Management
  • Post-fire Forest Resilience
  • Forest Vegetation Management
  • Forest Products
  • Forest Roads
  • Climate Change
  • Insects and disease

The event was put on by the Wiregrass Black Chamber of Commerce.  We are asking that everyone join the Wiregrass Black Chamber of Commerce.  The organization is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization.  Membership is a big part of the organizations fundraising.  The Chamber will also be holding various fundraising events throughout the year to help with educating business owners and inspire members of the community to start and support local businesses.  You can donate by sendig a check to our P.O. box, through cashapp, and Paypal.  More opportunities and options to come.